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Becoming A Successful Illustrator - The Open College of the Arts

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Becoming A Successful Illustrator

This is a post from the weareoca.com archive. Information contained within it may now be out of date.
OCA is delighted that Jo Davies, Associate Professor in Illustration, and OCA tutor, has a new book, Becoming A Successful Illustrator launched at the end of this week. Co-authored with Derek Brazell, project manager of the AOI and published by Fairchild Books/Bloomsbury in UK and USA this is one of three illustration titles that Jo has been working on for this publisher, which is the largest academic publisher internationally.
The boundaries between applied arts are becoming increasingly fluid and distinctions are routinely challenged but making a living or profiting from illustration can be perceived an achievable goal to those with enterprise. The book navigates the intersection between commerce and creativity. It is underpinned by interviews with the top practitioners of the illustration industry including agents, clients, and educators from the US, Australia, Europe and the East and drawing extensively upon research into employability. It is visually sumptuous and includes case studies and examples of work from operating in the industry as award-winning and respected practitioners. The book reflects Jo’s work as a practitioner and ex-director of the Association of Illustration, as ethics advisor and her interest the education of enterprise and employability. She has represented Illustration nationally for the ADM-HEA reference group and as an elected academic associate.

Posted by author: Jane Parry

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